Thermalism 3.0: Culture, Tourism and Health
The photo contest, in its second edition, is promoted by the non-profit association F.I.R.S.Thermae.
About the competition
The initiative invites us to tell, through images, the mineral waters and the Baths comparing what the thermo-mineral waters have represented, represent and what they will represent in the future in an increasingly digitalized society.
In this way, an attempt is made to give visibility to cultural-tourist-health heritage of several states, also enhancing its aesthetic aspect.
Technical features image
Black / white and color photographs with both vertical and horizontal framing are allowed. The format and resolution of each photo must be at least 30x40cm at 300 dpi and in JPEG (.jpg) format. Entries made entirely on the computer are not permitted. Photographs must be unpublished. Each image must have a progressive number and be titled. Images that do not comply with the specifications will not be taken into consideration.
Terms and condition
You must be at least 18 years of age. Participation in the competition is free, open to all professional and non-professional photographers. Each participant can send a maximum of three photographs to be attached together with the registration form duly completed and signed. The members of the jury and their family members, as well as all those who in various capacities collaborate in the organization of the competition are excluded from the competition.
Please do not post any photographs or content that are obscene, vulgar, pornographic, hateful, threatening, racist, sexist, discriminatory, or which otherwise violate any local or international laws.
Material delivery methods
The delivery of the works, together with the registration form will take place from October 6th 2019 to h. 24 of 30 APRIL 2022 with the following methods:
- online through wetransfer.com
- to the e-mail address: firshtermae@pec.it
- on CD or by printing by post or directly by hand at: Prof. Maria Costantino, Non-profit association F.I.R.S.Thermae, Viale dell'Europa Unita, 5, 80078 Pozzuoli (NA) -Italy.
The first three classified photographs will be awarded with:
- first place: cash prize
- second place: a weekend for 2 people at a Italian SPA
- third place: cash prize
In addition, the first 10 photos selected by the jury will be exhibited in a 30x40cm print in congress venues on interdisciplinary spa themes, while the others will be video-projected in a video sequence always during congresses and events on spa interdisciplinary themes.
For Info: segreteria@firsthermae.org